How we work with you.




To say the world has changed is an understatement. Pressures on hospitality have increased immensely over recent years, a trend that will only continue with building economic pressures.

By establishing a safe and supportive environment, we focus on providing the tools and methodologies that will empower you and your business.

People are at the heart of what creates success and our goal is always to get the most from ourselves, our teams and our clients.

We provide Coaching and Mentoring for:

  • It is often those with the most pressurised schedules that benefit the most from coaching. Taking time to work ‘on’ rather than ‘in’ the business can be rare.

    By holding a safe and confidential space, allows for conversations that are both impactful and meaningful, creating the clarity and focus from which performance thrives.

  • Building high performing teams begins with establishing a strong sense of purpose, vision and shared values that are supported by the right systems and behaviours. This allows for alignment in strategy which in turn creates highly effective, motivated and engaged teams.

  • Coaching is a unique partnership. It is not one of giving advise but rather asking powerful questions. This raises awareness and empowers you to take responsibility for designing the strategies and solutions that will ultimately lead to your success.

“Emily’s positive attitude enabled the team to take a step back from their day jobs to look at the operation and we greatly enjoyed working with her.”

— Winton Castle



Designed to address specific areas that have a direct impact on the business and team performance, our workshops bring everyone together in an inclusive format. Focused on each level of the organisation, they are engaging, action led and results focused, making it a fun way to learn and grow as a business.

Workshops include:

  • Focused on the purpose, vision and values of the business and how these align with strategic decision making.

  • Exploring the role of the leader, developing high performing teams, creating effective communication, managing change and building resilience and reflection.

  • Identify the barriers to growth and where there are opportunities to add value and additional revenue streams.

  • Identifying where you are now, where you want to be and how you can get there.

  • Providing clarity around roles and responsibilities to allow for highly effective, motivated and engaged teams.

  • Based on the needs of your business, we are happy to design workshops for your specific requirements.

“It was a fabulous event and she was so professional and inspiring in the content she delivered to members. ”

— SITE Scotland



With an increasingly competitive environment, many hospitality businesses are struggling to re-invent themselves in this new world. From creating experiences that begin the moment a customer first engages with you, to designing sales journeys that build reputation and return visits. Our engagement with the industry allows us to bring best practice examples, with proven results, into the conversation.

These areas include:

  • In order to move forward in your business, it is first important to recognise where you are now. This allows you to re-set, prioritise and focus on the next, most important thing.

  • By ensuring you have the right people, in the right teams, with the right knowledge, allows you to deliver success for the business.

  • What great stories do you have to tell? We support you in designing authentic, unique experiences that capture the imagination for an increasingly expectant audience.

  • Maximising revenues in an increasingly competitive environment is challenging. Recognising the importance and impact that every ‘touch point’ has on the client journey is crucial to success.

  • Hospitality is evolving rapidly. Staying relevant and adapting to market conditions is hugely important to the overall guest experience.

Book a Consultation.

If you would like to find out more about how coaching can support you and your business, we would love to hear from you.